Mentoring & Realignment Sessions

Are you feeling alone, even though you're surrounded by others?  Missing family, friends and home?  Feeling overwhelmed? Unsure of what your next career steps should be?  Feeling a lack of purpose or that you're compromising your own values?

Our mentoring sessions are designed to address your current state of well-being and how this can be improved. 

Through personalized guidance and support, we help you achieve optimal wellness and balance in your life.

Our services are rooted in decades of Personal Development studies and a deep understanding of the superyacht industry, allowing us to offer tailored support for individuals and teams seeking holistic emotional wellness and balance.

Benefit from our extensive experience for advice and assistance in rediscovering happiness and purpose in YOUR life.

When you're onboard, without awareness, the yacht becomes your whole world and it can be so easy to lose perspective on your own life and it's true meaning and purpose. 

Our realignment sessions offer an opportunity to examine your current perspectives; what experiences may have brought you there and how to realign your thought processes to create positive outcomes.

With a focus on compassion and understanding, our approach is designed to meet the unique needs and challenges of those within the superyacht and high end hospitality industries.

Mentoring sessions

  • Personalized advice
  • Comprehensive approach to Emotional Wellness
  • Extensive experience in Personal Development and training in the Superyacht and hospitality industries

Realignment Sessions

  • Examination of current perspectives and how you created them
  • Redefining personal Values, Goals and Purpose
  • Setting intentions for healthy outcomes

High-end Hospitality Training

All training is specifically formulated for the yacht, fleet, private residence or resort in accordance with the Principals' and guests' requirements.

Training sessions are built on request based on 40 years spent in high-end hospitality, 20 of which have been dedicated to hospitality training on yachts, in resorts and in private residences worldwide.

Courses can also be designed to meet the requirements of the IAMI GUEST programme for industry certification and recognition.


To include, but not restricted to:

  • Food & Beverage Services
  • Housekeeping,
  • Laundry & Valet Services
  • Cultural Awareness

Mental Wellbeing Training (GUEST Unit 44)

The Mental Wellbeing course has been designed to prepare and equip yacht crew and shore-based industry professionals, including management company and crew recruitment employees, to recognize behaviours indicative of emotional distress, encourage open communication, and deal compassionately and effectively with mental wellbeing onboard.


The course aims to enhance the ability of yacht crews and industry personnel to perform at optimal levels of safety and professionalism by:

• Creating self-awareness and awareness of others to identify signs and behaviours associated with anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts.
• Opening lines of communication and providing signposts to professional assistance when required.
• Understanding the causes of psychological injury onboard.
• Breaking the stigma surrounding mental health by learning appropriate language and responses

The Mental Wellness course is part of the IAMI GUEST programme and offers industry-recognised certification and accreditation.

Self-Awareness & Self-Leadership: Team building & Resilience workshops

Our workshops provide practical strategies and techniques to navigate stressful situations effectively. Through interactive sessions, you'll gain valuable insights and skills to maintain resilience and well-being in high-pressure environments by examining:

  • Your levels self-awareness and how to exceed these
  • Your acceptance of self and others
  • Your connections with other people
  • YOUR values and life's purpose

Let us help you to fully enjoy your work and regain your capacity to withstand or to recover quickly from life's challenges.

  • Interactive and practical workshops
  • Valuable purpose defining techniques
  • Resilience-building strategies

“A Listening Ear has been a game-changer for me. Their personalized approach and deep understanding of the superyacht industry have made a significant impact on my well-being. I highly recommend their services to anyone seeking genuine support and guidance.”

Sophie B.